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Archived videos and slides of:  presentations 
panel discussions 
public lectures 

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Public Information

Below you will find a brief description about PITP as well as various scientific topics relevant to the Showcase Conference. Be sure to visit our list of invited speakers; we offer brief biographies for some of our more prominant speakers. Finally, the Showcase Conference schedule is separated according to the intended audience of each event.

Please note that the whole conference is open to the general public, free of charge, but that some of the events will be of more interest to specialists. The public lectures should be accessible to everyone, including high school students, and the panel debates should also be entertaining to a wide variety of people.

Frequently Asked Questions
About our Speakers
Showcase Schedule Details
Key Scientific Topics



Our Invited Speakers

A List of Invited Speakers
Selected Speaker Biographies

Showcase Schedule

Explanation of Key Scientific Topics

Click on the following scientific topics for a brief explanation:
Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada