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PITP Showcase summary competition results are in!

The PITP judges have finally chosen the top three graduate student summaries. The winning essays were each so good, the judges couldn't decide on a placement for awarding them. Each winner will receive $200. The winners are:

  • Santosh Gupta
  • Matthew Hasselfield
  • Tami Peneg-Barnea

The essays themselves are written on the presentations or public lectures of

Graduate students are being encouraged to write 600-800 word summaries of talks given (this includes panel discussions and public lectures) at the Showcase conference. Selected essays will appear on the PITP webpage, to be read by fellow physicists, other scientists, and potentially the general public.

Submitted essays should be aimed at your fellow graduate students and should outline the arguments and ideas presented while keeping the number of equations and detailed mathematics at a minimum. Submissions should be essentially a summary of the talk given rather than a critique, and need not offer any new insight. However, feel free to add background information to provide a suitable context for the discussion.

Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada