Archived videos and slides of:
panel discussions
public lectures
We thank our generous sponsors:

See also our three panel discussions and the
main presentations.
On Wed. 11 May at
7.30 pm, Prof Gerard 't Hooft
(Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) gave a
public lecture on the way in which we have
arrived at our present picture of the ultimate
building blocks of the universe (for details see
announcement). Prof 't Hooft, who was awarded the
Nobel prize in 1999, is one of the main
architects of the modern view. One of his main
hobbies is giving public lectures on physics, in
which he gets a chance to exercise his artistic
inclinations with power point (for more examples
see his webpage).
On Friday 13 May
at 7.30 pm, Prof Paul Davies
(Sydney) gave a public lecture on the origin
of life, and whether it may have existed on Mars
(for details see announcement). As well as being
a cosmologist, Prof Davies is also a very
well-known author, whose books on various topics
in science have sold tens of millions of copies
around the world, in many languages. He has also
written on the connections between science and
religion- for more details see his webpage.
On Sunday 15 May
at 7:30 pm, Prof
Moses Chan (Penn State) gave a lecture on the
strange properties of superfluids, and included up to date info on
"Supersolids", the extraordinary physical system discovered by his group
last year (for details see poster at right). Chan is a very well-known
experimental physicist, who often gives public lectures on topics in