invited speakers
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Talk Summary Competition
Archived videos and slides of:
panel discussions
public lectures
We thank our generous sponsors:
Invited Speakers
Note that the following list is not complete.
G Aeppli
IK Affleck
PW Anderson
B Barbara
P Brumer
J Cardy
M Chan
(Penn State)
G Christou
R Clark
(New South Wales)
PCW Davies
T Eguchi
D Friedan
D Goldhaber-Gordon
B Greene
(Columbia, NY)
FDM Haldane
G 't Hooft
Y Imry
S John
N Kaiser
(IFA, Hawaii)
W Kohn
(Santa Barbara)
G Kotliar
U Landman
RB Laughlin
(Stanford and Korea)
A MacDonald
(Austin, TX)
H Manoharan
J Mattick
G Milburn
KA Moler
R Myers
(Perimeter, Waterloo)
N Nagaosa
H Ooguri
DD Osheroff
T Piran
AM Polyakov
F Raab
L Randall
M Rho
GA Sawatzky
J Schwarz
S Shenker
BL Spivak
L Susskind
AM Tremblay
WG Unruh
RM Wald
M White
P Wiegmann
SC Zhang
* To be confirmed
Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada