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Archived videos and slides of:  presentations 
panel discussions 
public lectures 

We thank our generous sponsors:

The Showcase conference was a great success, thanks to our many speakers and attendees.
These archived conference pages contain the slides and videos of all the excellent talks presented, see this alphebetical listing, by speaker, of the main presentations, also our public lectures and the three panel discussions.
The Showcase conference formed the centrepiece of a group of five conferences and workshops that took place in May, 2005 supported by the Pacific Institute of Theoretical Physics. The purpose of the Showcase conference was to celebrate the exciting new developments taking place in theoretical physics, and to highlight the efforts of the researchers associated with PITP. This was a very high profile event at which many of the best-known scientists in the world spoke (including 5 Nobel laureates).

The conference covered themes in string and particle physics, cosmology, condensed matter physics, biophysics, and the emergent properties of complex systems (see also the Emergence conference, which shared a session with Showcase on Monday morning). There were also a series of public lectures, and panel discussions.

Be sure to visit...
> our list of invited speakers
> public information
> the conference poster

For more information:

The Group of Five
List of invited speakers
Conference schedule

And for general information:

Visitor information including accomodations
On Vancouver and environs
About PITP

Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada