Friday, January 30 | Saturday, January 31 | Sunday, February 1 |
Friday, January 30
Freedman, Exotic States of Matter: Quantum Computation |
Saturday, January 31
Sawatzky, Possible pathways to new classes of
ferromagnetic and half-metallic ferromagnetic materials
Auerbach, Pyrochlore and Kagome Spin Liquids
Shtengel, An extended Hubbard model with ring exchange:
a possible route to a non-Abelian topological phase
Naka, Boundary State Description
of Non-BPS systems
Wiegmann, Stochastic Conformal Maps - a new approach to
a critical phenomena in 2D. Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE)
Witt, Symmetry Breaking for Quantum Shapes
Affleck, Junctions of 3 Luttinger liquids and the
Dissipative Hofstadter Model
Stamp, Decoherence rates in spin nets and related
lattice models
Imry, Phase measurements and boson-induced orbital
magnetization in A-B interferometers
Freedman, Exactly soluble points in the extended
Hubbard model as universal quantum computers |
Sunday, February 1
Franz, Quasiparticle interference in the cuprate
Herbut, Spin and charge response in underdoped
Tabunshchyk, Electron states and phase transitions in
the local anharmonic model of high-Tc superconductors
Kim, Competing Orders and Superconductivity in
Frustrated Magnets
Zagoskin, Evidence for entangled states formation in a
system of two coupled flux qubits
Amin, Operating in Charge-Phase Regime, Ideal for
Superconducting Qubits
Kee, Formation of Electronic Nematic Phase in
Interacting Systems
Zhou, Correlated Ultra Cold Atoms in Lattices
Berciu, First-Principles
Study of Integer Quantum Hall Transitions in Mesoscopic Samples
Spivak, Propagation of stationary nonlinear waves in
disordered media, or Phase separation in strongly
correlated 2d electron liquid (not given)
Zhang, Dissipationless quantum spin current and the
associated non-abelian gauge structure