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About Talks
& material Participants &
Program Photos
- Simulation
of Maghemite Nanospheres on a Triangular Lattice
B. Alkadour, Memorial University
- Spin caloritronics: spin-dependent
thermoelectrics and beyond
Dr. G.E.W. Bauer, Delft/Tohoku
- Surface effects in frustrated magnetic
materials: phase transition and spin
Dr. H.T. Diep, Cergy-Pontoise
- Evaluating Thermal Decay over Long Time
Scales with a Wait-time Monte-Carlo
Algorithm (WMCA)
Dr. T. Fal, Memorial University
- Magnetic non-uniformity in
(La0.4Pr0.6)0.67Ca0.33MnO3 films and measurement
Dr. M. Fitzsimmons, Losa Alamos National Lab
- Topological structures in
patterned nanomagnets
Dr. O. Heinonen, ANL
- Spin pumping and spin transport in
magne0c metal and insulator heterostructures
E. Montoya, Simon Fraser University
- New Prospects for Quantitative
Magnetometry at the Nanoscale
Dr. J. Moreland, NIST Boulder
- Magnetic recording, and phase
transitions in the fcc Kagome lattice
Dr. M. Plumer, Memorial University
- Angular dependence of FMR
measurements in exchange coupled NiFe/NiO bilayers:
Experiment and Theory
Dr. B. W. Southern, University of Manitoba
- Large-scale Coherence &
Dr. P. Stamp, UBC
- Domain Wall Motion in Magnetic
Dr. M. Stiles, NIST Gaithersburg
- Population dynamics of topological
defects (dislocations) in a 2D magnetic stripe
D. Venus, McMaster University