Quantum Coherent Properties of Spins

Chemistry Department, Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
November 14-16, 2008

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A spin qubit flipping states also flips the field acting on nearby nuclear spins between two orientations (shown as arrows). The nuclear spin vector follows a path conditional on the specific trajectory of the qubit, so that they are entangled.

The slides and their accompanying material from the workshop, listed according to the topic in the order they were presented:

Philip Stamp's slides
Steve Hill's slides
Irinel Chiorescu: Multiphoton coherent driving in harmonic and non-harmonic spin systems
Susumu Takahashi: Coherent Manipulation and Decoherence of S=10 Single-Molecule Magnets; preprint
Igor Tupitsyn: Decoherence in molecular magnets: Fe-8 and Mn-12
Sasha Burin: Nuclear spin diffusion in the crystal of magnetic molecules
Enrique del Barco: Observation of QTM selection rules in a Mn3 single-molecule magnet
Eduardo Mucciolo: Berry phase induced Kondo effect in single-molecule magnets; chapter; Novais slides
Eugenio Coronado Miralles: Chemical design of molecular nanomagnetics; paper
Vladimiar Kolesnichenko: Ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles: synthesis, surface chemistry and magnetic properties

Examples of magnetic molecules. Top: Fe8. Eight s=5/2 FeIII ions are forming a total spin S=10 (six spins are parallel and antiparallel to the other two); middle: Ni12 with a total spin S=12; bottom: Mn12 with a total spin S=10.