Thursday, May 14
- Jean Eisenstaedt (CNRS, Paris) "General Relativity Before the Renewal", slides, video, audio
- Ted Newman (Pittsburgh) Comments on Penrose's "Conformal Cyclic Cosmology" (CCC) or "How to go thru the Big Bang Happily" slides, video, audio
- Robert Wald (Chicago) "The Developement of the Theory of Black Holes", slides, video1, video2 , audio
- Jean Eisenstaedt (CNRS, Paris) "History of Black Holes", slides,video1, video2, audio
Friday, May 15
- George Ellis (Cape Town) "Cosmology and general relativity: the evolution of the
universe and the testability of models" , slides, video, audio
- Gary Hinshaw (U British Columbia) "Observational Cosmology &
Fundamental Physics", slides, video, audio
- Clifford Will (Florida) "Was Einstein Right? A Centennial Assessment", slides, media files, video1, video2, audio
- Clifford Will (Florida) "Gravitational Waves", (slides included in the above talk) video1,video2, video3,audio
Saturday, May 16
- Mihalis Dafermos (Princeton) "The interior of dynamical black holes and the
strong cosmic censorship conjecture", slides, video ,audio
- Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute) "Unraveling General Relativity in Strongly
Gravitating Regimes Through Simulations", slides, video , audio
- Abhay Ashketar (Penn State) "Future of General Relativity", slides, video, audio
- Steven Carlip (UC Davis) "The future of quantum gravity" , slides, video, audio