Quantum Coherent Properties of Spins III

University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
December 20-22, 2010

UCF Department of Physics
home registration local information talks   To previous years: Spins II held in Vancouver, and Spins I held in New Orleans
Schematic of a light-harvesting molecule.






An artist's view of decoherence in a quantum computer.
A detailed map with the venue, hotel and surrounding area is available here.


The workshop will take place in room Key West AB of the Student Union (building # 52 on the campus map, just at the center of the "circular-shaped" campus).


Holiday Inn at 12125 High Tech Avenue, Orlando, FL. Tel. (407) 275-9000 (NOTE: Your reservation is already done under your name. You don't need to call to book the room.)

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Excitation transfer in the bacterial photosynthetic unit.