This workshop focusses on interesting current problems
associated with the collective quantum properties of
assemblies of spins. Some of these include
(i) Decoherence, and related theoretical problems on the
dynamics of interacting spin systems. These systems
include interacting dipolar 'spin nets' (and the related
topic of 'quantum spin glasses'), arrays of magnetic
molecules, quantum dots, and spins on surfaces; plus
NV-centres and biomolecules exhibiting quantum spin coherence.
(ii) Experiments on relevant systems, notably on magnetic
molecule arrays, on spins and spin arrays on surfaces, on
quantum spin glasses, on quantum dots, and on
light-harvesting and chemical compass molecules.
(iv) Numerical work on aspects of this physics, notably
on quantum computation, and on lattice dipoles, in various
(v) Review of some of the interesting chemistry of these
systems, particularly magnetic molecules, some of the
newer transition metal compounds, and biological molecules.
Excitation transfer in the bacterial photosynthetic unit.