Collaborative Research Networks
Within each research network description,
please click the [+]/[-] to expand/contract the
list of program members.
The pre-2009 research network listings: by
research area and by location.
16 members
This network is targeting two lengths scales: mesoscopic and microscopic.
The first scale is currently focussing on non-linear dynamics in
biophysical systems, particularly cardiac
dynamics. The second focuses on biomolecules, both in the cell and
outside, as in the case of light-harvesting proteins.
[-] Members
Markus Bär, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
Hans J Briegel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Joern Davidsen, University of Calgary
Natia Frank, University of Victoria
Leon Glass, McGill University
Raymond Kapral, University of Toronto
Stuart Kaufmann, University of Calgary
Normand Mousseau, Université de Montréal
Sergei Noskov, University of Calgary
Dennis Salahub, University of Calgary
Barry C Sanders, University of Calgary
Boris L Spivak, University of Washington
Philip CE Stamp, University of British Columbia
Ed Vigmond, University of Calgary
Complex Materials
14 members
This network focusses on
the non-equilibrium processes occurring in polymers, glasses, and alloys,
and on other systems which can form self-organised structures, and on
numerical modeling of these.
[-] Members
Colin Denniston, University of Western Ontario
James Harden, University of Ottawa
Bela Joos, University of Ottawa
Mikko Karttunen, University of Western Ontario
Malcolm Kennett, Simon Fraser University
Maria Kilfoil, McGill University
James Langer, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Lisa Manning, Princeton University. USA
Philipp Maass, Technische Universitaet Ilmenau, Germany
Martin Mueser, University of Western Ontario
Joerg Rottler, University of British Columbia
Complex Networks
7 members
A group
seeking to model complex networks with relevance to biophysical and
geophysical systems, using methods from non-equilibrium statistical
mechanics and non-linear dynamics.
[-] Members
Gordon Broderick, Dept. of Medicine, U of Alberta
Dante Chialvo, Northwestern U Medical School
Michael Colicos, Dept. of Medicine, U of Calgary
Joern Davidsen, Complexity Science Group, U of Calgary
Barbara Drossel, Technische U Darmstadt
Peter Grassberger, Complexity Science Group, U of Calgary
Sui Huang, IBI, U of Calgary
Maya Paczuski, Complexity Science Group, U of Calgary
Kim Sneppen, Center for Models of Life, Niels Bohr Institute
Computational Physics
36 members
This large network is building upon the highly successful
computational physics efforts already made by an earlier and smaller PITP
group. The focus is on new methods (Quantum Monte Carlo and electronic
structure methods, and methods from quantum information), and their
application to diverse problems in condensed matter physics and complex
materials (including biophysical systems).
[-] Members
Canadian Theorists | Foreign Theorists |
Bill Atkinson (Trent)
Kevin Beach (Alberta)
Mona Berciu (UBC)
M. Boninsegni (Alberta)
M. Côté (Montréal)
M. Gingras (Waterloo)
F. Marsiglio (Alberta)
Roger Melko (Waterloo)
D. Poulin (Sherbrooke)
G. Sawatzky (UBC)
D. Sénéchal (Sherbrooke)
E. Sorensen (McMaster)
W. Stephan (Bishop's)
R. Wortis (Trent)
E. Arrigoni (Graz)
T. Devereaux (Stanford)
A. Georges (Polytechnique)
X. Gonze (Liège)
K. Haule (Rutgers)
H. Evertz (Gratz)
M. Imada (Tokyo)
M. Jarrell (LSU)
G. Kotliar (Rutgers)
F. Mila (Genève)
T. Maier (Oakridge)
M. Potthoff (Würzburg) |
N. Prokof'ev (Amherst)
A. Sandvik (Boston)
D.J. Scalapino (UCSB)
U. Schollwöck (Aachen)
Tsunetsugu (ISSP, Tokyo)
M. Troyer (ETH)
P. Werner (ETH)
S. Wessel (Stuttgart)
S.R. White (U.C. Irvine)
23 members
This group focusses on both older problems like high-Tc superconductivity,
and newer systems like
graphene, correlated electrons in 2-d interfaces, and topological
[-] Members
Horizon Analogues
11 members

This group looks at
analogues of phenomena in particle physics and cosmology that exist in
condensed matter, fluid mechanics, and quantum optics. The idea is that
one learns more about both the high-energy and low-energy physics in this
[-] Members
Eric Cornell, NIST, USA
Ted Jacobsen, University of Maryland
Renaud Parentani, Université de Paris-Sud
George R Pickett, University of Lancaster, UK
Germain Rousseau, Université de Nice, France
Ralf Shutzhold, Universitat Duisberg-Essen, Germany
WG Unruh, University of British Columbia
Matt Visser, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Grisha Volovik, University of Helsinki, Finland
Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University
47 members
This large group focusses is on materials
properties of magnetic systems, on various aspects of the classical
physics of these materials (particularly the theoretical modeling of
magnetic films, spin transport, and nanomagnetic systems). It also
focusses on problems in quantum magnetism such as quantum spin glasses,
frustrated spin liquids, and tunneling in magnetic molecules.
[-] Members
C. Adams, St Francis Xavier University
G Aeppli, London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London
A. Aharony, Ben Gurion University
P. W. Anderson, Princeton
B. Barbara, CNRS, Laboratoire Louis Neel
G. Balakrishnan, University of Warwick
M. Berciu, University of British Columbia
A. L. Burin, Department of Chemistry, Tulane University
S. Cadogan, University of Manitoba
M. G. Cottam, University of Western Ontario
S. Curnoe, Memorial University of Newfoundland
T.P. Devereaux, Stanford
H. T. Diep, University of Cergy-Pontoise
J. S. Dodge, Simon Fraser University
M. Fiebig, Universitaet Bonn, HISKP
M. Freeman, University of Alberta
B. D. Gaulin, McMaster University
G. Kotliar, Rutgers University
J. E. Greedan, McMaster University
O. G. Heinonen, Seagate Technology
S. Hill, National High Magnetic Field Lab
C.-M. Hu, University of Manitoba
Y. Imry, Weizmann Institute
Y. B. Kim, University of Toronto
T. Kimura, Division of Materials Physics, Osaka University
S. R. Julian, University of Toronto
J. van Lierop, University of Manitoba
G. M. Luke, McMaster University
E. Meloche, Seagate Technology
T. Monchesky, Dalhousie University
U. Nowak, Universitat Konstanz
O. Petrenko, University of Warwick
M. Plumer, Memorial University of Newfoundland
K. Poduska, Memorial University of Newfoundland
M. Poirier, Université de Sherbrooke
N. V. Prokof'ev, University of Massachussetts at Amherst
G. Quirion, Memorial University of Newfoundland
G. Sawatzky, University of British Columbia
R. de Sousa, University of Victoria
B. W. Southern, University of Manitoba
P. C. E. Stamp, University of British Columbia
O. Tchernyshyov, Johns Hopkins University
A.-M. Tremblay, Université de Sherbrooke
D. E. Venus, McMaster University
J. P. Whitehead, Memorial University of Newfoundland
M. Zhitomirsky, SPSMS, CEA-Grenoble
Quantum Optics
(selected topics)
12 members
This group of a dozen researchers is concerned with the use of quantum
optical systems in
quantum technologies, along with several people working on high precision
atomic theory, and on cold gases.
[-] Members
14 members
This network focusses on the really dramatic new
supersolid state found in 4He solid. It is an equal mixture of theorists
and experimentalists from all over the world.
[-] Members
PW Anderson, Princeton University
S Balibar, École Normale Supérieure
J Beamish, University of Alberta
M Boninsegni, University of Alberta
M Chan, Pennsylvania State University
JC Seamus Davis, Cornell University
D Huse, Princeton University
E Kim, KAIST, South Korea
M Kubota, ISSP, Japan
NV Prokof'ev, University of Massachussetts
JD Reppy, Cornell University
K Shirahama, Keio University, Japan
PCE Stamp, University of British Columbia
B Svistunov, University of Massachussets