Sir Tony Leggett and Sir Roger Penrose
(5th June, 7.30-9.30 pm, Hebb theatre, 2045 East Mall, UBC)
Additional resources forthe Intoduction :
slides andvideo
Everyone has at some point asked themselves questions about TIME: what is it, what is the "flow of time", why can't time "go backwards", can we travel in time or 'change our time'; and so on. Other questions that would have been hard to imagine before the 20th century include: when did time begin (and will it end), what is 'spacetime', or 'singularities in spacetime' (like black holes or the 'Big Bang').
Two of the world's greatest experts on this sort of question are Profs Tony Leggett & Roger Penrose. They will be each presenting their views on the topic, in 40 min public lectures designed for a broad audience. The lectures will start at 7.30 pm; they will be followed by a "Question & Answer" discussion session involving the audience, and we aim to finish by 9.30 pm. There will be no admission charge or registration but it would be a good idea to arrive reasonably early.
