This workshop focusses on interesting current problems
associated with the collective properties of assemblies of
spins, particularly those associated with coherence and
multi-spin entanglement. Some of these include
(i) Decoherence, Error Correction, and related problems in
interacting spin realisations of quantum information
processing systems. These include interacting dipolar 'spin
nets' (and the related topic of 'quantum spin glasses'),
arrays of magnetic molecules, linear and ring-like
arrays of spins, quantum dot networks, and quantum walk and
other representations; and the decoherence processes therein.
(ii) The underlying microscopic physics of some of these
spin systems, focussing particularly on the theory of
transition metal compounds. This will include new ideas about
2-d interfaces, as well as questions about electronic structure
and magnetic ordering in bulk materials, and in magnetic molecules.
(iii) Experiments on relevant systems, notably on magnetic
molecule arrays, on spins and spin arrays on surfaces, on
interfaces between magnetic materials, on quantum spin
glasses, and on quantum dots.
(iv) Numerical work on aspects of this physics, notably
Quantum Monte Carlo work on polarons, on lattice dipoles, and
on quantum information processing systems, exact
diagonalization work on magnetic molecules, and electronic
structure calculations for transition metal compounds.
(v) Review of some of the interesting chemistry of these
systems, particularly magnetic molecules and some of the
newer transition metal compounds.
The WORM diagrammatic QMC algorithm for a polaron.