There is no registration fee.
Room and board for 12 days:
single occupancy: |
Students that do not register for credit: 1600 CND |
Students that register for credit: 1400 CND |
double occupancy: |
Students that do not register for credit: 1200 CND |
Students that register for credit: 1000 CND |
multiple occupancy(3): |
Students that do not register for credit: 1000 CND |
Students that register for credit: 800 CND |
Note that, as indicated above, there is a 200 CDN discount if you register for credit.
There is an additional 16% discount if you do not stay at the school during the weekend (i.e. 10 instead of 12 days)
Limited financial support may be available. Please justify the need on the registration form.
There will be no classes during the weekend June 2nd - June 3rd.
Please advise hotel thirty days in advance if you will vacate your room during this period.
Attendance is limited to 60 students and postdocs.
To register, please visit the PiTP registration system. If you already created an account in the past, you should reuse the same account. If you have forgotten your password a new one can be generated and sent to you by email by entering your username. Please note that cookies must be allowed in your web browser for this site to work properly.