Quantum Critical Phenomena
Statics and Dynamics
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September 25-27, 2008 in Toronto, Canada
Our participants

G. Aeppli (*) London Centre for Nanotechnology
T. Vojta (*) Missouri University of Science and Technology
J. Kycia University of Waterloo
M. Schechter (*) University of British Columbia
AP Young (*) UC Santa Cruz
AP Mackenzie (*) University of St. Andrews
T. Cuk (*) UC Berkeley
L. Taillefer (*) Université de Sherbrooke
C. Broholm John Hopkins University
P. Coleman (*) Rutgers
T. Senthil (*) Massachusetts Institute for Technology
L. Balents (*) UC Santa Barbara
M. Fisher (*) UC Santa Barbara
S. Sachdev Harvard University
D. Belitz (*) University of Oregon
M. Lukin Harvard University
GJ Milburn (*) University of Queensland
N. Prokof'ev (*) University of Massachusetts
S. Haas (*) University of Southern California

(*) indicates that they have accepted the invitation.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Hosted by the Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences