This 5-day workshop is part of a joint PITP/PIMS research programme.
The emphasis is on topology, quantum information, spin and charge,
and the general areas of strongly correlated physics and quantum
magnetism. The last 2 years have seen some remarkable
cross-disciplinary work between all these fields, both in
mathematics and physics - these developments are almost as
remarkable for their mathematical novelty as their importance for
physics. The main themes to be covered in the workshop will include:
- The use of spin systems to realise many of the most striking new
ideas in these areas. These appear in the Hubbard model and its
generalisations in 1 and 2 dimensions, the 2-d Kagome spin lattice,
and 3-d pyrochlore systems, in which frustration is important; other
systems of interest are of course high-Tc superconductors and heavy
fermions. Recent ideas also involve systems where interesting
topological effects arise from spin-orbit coupling, and novel
ferromagnets, like half-metallic ferromagnets and Quantum Hall
bilayer ferromagnets. There has also been considerable interest in
the last few years in spin liquid phases in various low-dimensional
spin systems. In all of these systems, questions arise about the
nature of the quasiparticles and their quantum numbers - of
particular interest are the fractionalisation of quasiparticle
quantum numbers, and the quasiparticle statistics. Many different
scenarios have been proposed to try and unify the complex and often
exotic phenomena in all these spin systems - these include quantum
phase transitions, exotic quantum ordering, often non-local, and
time-reversal symmetry breaking phases. There have also been
interesting attempts to link this physics to quantum information
theory and mathematical topology, and to to developments in string
- relations between low-D black hole physics, open string theory,
SL(2,Z) symmetry, the quantum Hall fluids, Josephson arrays, and the
Hubbard model (appearing in models like the dissipative Hofstadter
model, and related models). The recent study of these models has
been very illuminating for condensed matter physics- some feel that
it has been even more interesting for string theory.
- Decoherence mechanisms, and the relationship of decoherence models
to models in string theory. The role of topological effects in
decoherence, and the use of new models to understand decoherence in
condensed matter systems and in quantum information processing.
- ideas for the generalisation of several condensed matter theories
to string theory and quantum gravity; and analogies between the two
(examples: horizon analogues, cosmic strings in superfluid He-3, and
other analogies between He-3 and quantum field theories, 4-d Quantum
Hall <--> quantum gravity, quantum critical phenomena and black
holes, etc). Topological quantum computation, and the
relationship to anyons and thence to topological field theories.